I am glad you waited to publish your list. I had more time to read it now than in January. ๐Ÿ˜˜ May I ask which Jane Austen book you would recommend that one read first, if they have never read her before? (Please donโ€™t judge.)

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Thank you for reading!! I actually have a whole article for you. I'm so excited that you want to try my favorite books! https://www.amy-colleen.com/p/new-to-jane-austen-heres-a-curated

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Thanks! Snagged P&P for free for my Kindle.

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I am so honored! Thank you very much!!

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I am so humbled my wee thoughts made it on your (Jenny Nicholson voice) Internet-friendly numbered list. :) The Other Bennet Sister surprised me by how good it was. Mary's interior journey has lingered with me and the Gardiners FINALLY got to go to the Lake District. Bliss.

I've been wanting to give Discworld a try but everyone I ask tells me to start somewhere different. Maybe it's like choose-your-own adventure and I need to pick for myself!

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And she sews too! The Other Bennett sounds intriguing.

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I hadn't known you became a Pratchett fan! Hogfather is definitely one of the best, you can tell by the amount of wear on my copy.

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So honored to be mentioned here!

And even more excited that you love Gilead (which is among my favorite reads of all time) and are diving into Discworld!!

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