Let me know if you ever come to the UK. I live about 5 miles from Steventon and 10 miles from Chawton and know of many good places to drink tea and eat cake in the area.

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Aug 18Liked by Amy Colleen

I can't remember how I happened upon your Substack, but I wanted to let you know that I will be at the AGM in Cleveland as well and I'd love to meet up. My first AGM was 2020 (virtual, meant to be in Cleveland), and my second was in Chicago in 2021. In Chicago, I was seated at a newbie banquet table; a group of of there started an online book group and we still meet! It's wonderful. My question for you: how did you get into the conference hotel at this late date? I didn't do it right in January, and every time I check it's been sold out. I'm from Cleveland, so I figured out a suburban location to stay so I can see childhood friends and still get downtown to the conference, but I'm slightly jealous that you may have found a "late" way that I didn't know! :-)

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Nancy, thank you so much for commenting! I would love to meet up! My best friend and I have been checking the hotel website since the end of May and she managed to snag hotel reservations after someone else canceled. I would definitely check again as the date gets closer-- inevitably, someone will have something come up! I think they may have also opened up a few additional rooms, as well.

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Aug 26Liked by Amy Colleen

I keep trying but I haven't gotten in yet, either through the AGM link or the Hilton site. I'll keep at it! And I will look forward to meeting you there!

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Wonderful post, Amy. Jane and her characters are such good life companions.

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Jul 3Liked by Amy Colleen

"Edmund Bertram is still a nincompoop." Truer words never were spoken.

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I'm in the middle of a reread of MP at the moment, and I must begrudgingly admit he has SOME good moments-- another very complex character! I feel a new essay brewing.

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Jul 3Liked by Amy Colleen

Would definitely read that essay

I think he has a //few// good points, but as a romantic partner, he is TRASH and Fanny deserved far, far better

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