love the idea of resting in January. Or taking a leap into something new. Every year is different, right? :)

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yes! And every person is different-- some people really thrive with the new year reset and I love that for them!

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Learning to rest even for little bits of time - I hope you can accomplish this “goal”.

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Birthdays are the perfect time for reflection and goal setting. Yes we all need time to just live. Put it on your schedule! That's why the practice of a Sabbath day (or afternoon) is a wonderful thing and boundaries!

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Love this whole article! I have a March bday too, and now I'm considering what you said about setting goals during that month. I'm not a resolution person either, but maybe it's because the New Year is coming off of the crazy and all I want to do is rest...and March is my month (fine, yours too) :)

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