Still over here trying to decide how much I trust a friend named Delphinium, tbh…

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This is really interesting, Amy.

It got me thinking about fake quotes that people share, often in image or meme form. A former FB friend (and IRL friend in fact!) used to share a quote that was attributed to a former Canadian Prime Minister, about how immigrants to Canada need to be Canadians ONLY, "nothing else but a Canadian. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says that he is a Canadian, but tries to impose his customs and habits upon us, is not a Canadian..."

This quote is NOT from a Canadian PM; it is from Theodore Roosevelt, and the original wording of course refers to "Americans." She shared this multiple times on FB to support her anti-immigrant, anti-refugee leanings. Every time she shared it, I commented, reminding her she was misattributing it; the 3rd time I commented, she blocked me. This woman was the wife of a military chaplain and actually worked part-time at the Salvation Army (they must not have been keeping tabs on her social media activity!). It wasn't a case of "Now that I know better, I do better." She WANTED to keep sharing this quote despite having been repeatedly told it was not accurate. True ignorance is one thing; willful denial is another. Thanks for writing about this, Amy.

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This is so interesting! Thanks for sharing this.

(Also, Hank totally IS the suspicious brother ;) )

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What an awesome class protect! I appreciate the nod to Jane Austen at the end your post. 😄

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